Thursday, April 30, 2009

my house... is a veryveryvery nice house

See? I promised that I would be a more consistent blogger once I got a camera, and I am trying to deliver. About a month ago I put an ad on Craig's List advertising my availability as a roommate. I was actually pretty floored by the response I got (apparently, in the current economic climate a lot of people are looking to pad out the old income), and after interviewing with a bunch of people I finally moved into my new place last week. I love my house and my roommates. I live with this fantastic married couple. His name is Humberto. He's 33 (?) and from Peru. Her name is Lucyna. She's 24 and from Poland, and they are both incredibly nice and laidback. They met while Lucyna was studying abroad in Peru, and two weeks later he asked her to move in with them. I don't have a picture yet, but Lucyna is stunningly beautiful (like all Polish women, apparently... thanks, Ross!). Plus, their house looks like Ikea. And they have wireless internet. And they like my fish. Life is good.

Sugar (cukier) and rice (ryz), in Polish. Lucyna says Ross speaks Polish with a pretty decent accent. I'm so proud.

The only thing prettier than the quince tree in the backyard is Bono the fish.

i'm so excited i might throw up

Even though I feel kind of like the kind of dad who insists that everyone see the birth photos--in all their gory, gruesome detail--I am just too excited not to share. Today I spent a deliciously sizable portion of the whole day playing with Ross' and my new toy. Here are just a few of the results. A sampler, if you will. And I will.

Locations: My house, downtown Hillsboro, and the Oregon Zoo.

Regarding the above, I (mis)quote from one of my favorite movies, The Philadelphia Story: "Can Haylie pick 'em or can she?"

And Ross took this photo of the sequoia, by the way.

This is of two of our ladies at the Zoo, Shine (a nickname: her real name is Sung-Surin) and Chendra, who is on the right. Further zoo photos, including pictures of baby Samudra, coming soon.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

radish underground and camera custody

Just a couple of things today, folks.

A week or so ago Rosco and I stopped into Radish Underground, my favorite boutique in Portland (conveniently located between The Black Rooster Cafe and Powells), where I tried something on and had my picture taken for Underground's blog, here (you might have to scroll down a smidge to find me).

Further adventures in Portland: Today Ross and I (okay, Ross, but I did most of the talking) bought a camera!

This camera, in fact--a Nikon Coolpix P80.

I am in love. And the best part? I get custody. Pictures (of something, anything, I don't care) coming soon!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

farmer's market love

Today I went to the Portland Farmer's Market and, for a slim $20, acquired the following:
1 Pain du biologique aux olives (Apparently, that's organic bread with olives) 1 bundle of asparagus, containing approximately a dozen stalks;
10 daffodils;
1 quarter-pound bag of spinach;

6 sticks of honey, and a package of lamb riblets (for which I could not find a picture).

I love the Farmer's Market. And it loves me.

*Photos borrowed (stolen) from the following sources: bread, asparagus, spinach, daffodils, honey.

Friday, April 24, 2009

still here

This is just a quick note to declare my intention to rejoin the blog-o-sphere (I feel so bad about myself when I use words like that). I never actually intended to skip out on blogdom (I made that one up... that one is okay) but life, as we know, gets in the way.

Anyway, um...

That is all.

P.S. Look for pictures once Ross and I finally get a camera (hopefully soon)!