Thursday, April 30, 2009

i'm so excited i might throw up

Even though I feel kind of like the kind of dad who insists that everyone see the birth photos--in all their gory, gruesome detail--I am just too excited not to share. Today I spent a deliciously sizable portion of the whole day playing with Ross' and my new toy. Here are just a few of the results. A sampler, if you will. And I will.

Locations: My house, downtown Hillsboro, and the Oregon Zoo.

Regarding the above, I (mis)quote from one of my favorite movies, The Philadelphia Story: "Can Haylie pick 'em or can she?"

And Ross took this photo of the sequoia, by the way.

This is of two of our ladies at the Zoo, Shine (a nickname: her real name is Sung-Surin) and Chendra, who is on the right. Further zoo photos, including pictures of baby Samudra, coming soon.


Morgan said...

Soooooooo I just bought a used Digital Canon Rebel XT-wanna have a fun day of photo madness with me an my coworker Susan? She just got a new fancy camera thing too! Plus I want to you do a photo portrait of me, because you appear to be good at this clicky-picture business :)

haylie said...

Umm, YES! That sounds like a whole parcel of fun. And it'd be great to do a portrait of you. I love portraits. They're my favorite.